Selphie Tilmitt

Selphie is a hyperactive young girl, sort of a cross between Zell and Quistis. She was transfered from Trabia Garden to Balamb, and first met Squall in the halls of Balamb where Squall gave her a tour. She was among the four who graduated, of which 2 others were Zell and Squall. Selphie is loyal to the end, and can actually be quite troublesome with her impulsive nature. Never try to argue with Selphie... when she wants to do something she does it.

Selphie's weapon is similar to Quistis, and is about as powerful, but her limit break is quite different. It is kind of reminiscent of Cait Sith from Final Fantasy 7. Selphie will start a "slot" which randomly picks a spell. She then casts it the number of times listed. You can use the slot as many times as you want, but this takes up battle time and since she might be low in health (unless you used Aura) you had best get it done quickly. The spells she can use are mostly level 2 and 3 spells cast multiple times, but she has several that cannot be found anywhere else in the game.