Kiros and Ward

Kiros and Ward are Laguna's friends in the flashback. While they tend to make fun of Laguna's naive (and sometimes ignorant) attitude, they believe in their friend a lot. Kiros is a wiry young man who wields two swords, one in each hand, while Ward is a stocky, muscular bear, who wields (of all things...) a harpoon. Kiros and Ward are not as developed as the other characters in the game. They are mainly there to spur Laguna on in his antics, and to make your party a nice round 3.

Kiros and Ward will have the exact same junctioning and GFs as the corresponding characters in your party. Kiros is my favourite of the two, because his attack hits hard, and he has a decent limit break. Ward, while being very large, is not as strong as he looks. He does, however, have the speed of stereotypical "strong men." You might want to junction some speed or "initiative" just so Ward can keep up.