Quistis Trepe

Quistis is Squall's instructer in SeeD. She became a SeeD at the unheard of age of 15, and became an instructer at 18. Squall, Seifer, Selphie and Zell are among her first students. At 18, she is about the same age as her students, and while she tries to act like a teacher, giving advice and such, she does tend to act her age often. She lost her job as an instructer due to her failure with Seifer and joined Squall's party. She is somewhat in love with Squall, and vies for his attention until Rinoa comes along. A love triange never broke out, however, because Quistis new it was Squall's decision.

Quistis becomes a very useful character later in the game. Her attacks can do a fair amount of damage, but where she really shines is her limit break. Quistis is a master of "Blue Magic", which means she can learn enemies' attacks and use them. Her most powerful limit is by far the Degenerator attack, which kills a single monster every time it is used. While it does not work against bosses, it does wonders against single, large monsters like Ruby Dragons and Malboros. Just equip Quistis with "Initiative", keep her at low HP and watch the monsters fall.